Maui Update: Important information for members. Learn more

Care for all that is you

Federal Employees and Retirees get more than a health plan with Kaiser Permanente. You get convenient, world-class care made for you—everything from routine checkups to complex treatments. We’ve got you covered.

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Looking for Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) plans? Click here
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- Hawaii
You have 2 plan options to choose from. View the plans page to find out which plan is best for you and to learn more.
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2025 Benefit Highlights2

  • 24/7 video or phone appointment with a clinician at no cost3
  • More access to care across the country
  • $0 copay for routine prenatal care and inpatient maternity delivery
  • $0 copay for primary care for children (Standard Option)
  • Preventive dental services
  • Headspace emotional and mental health app4
Learn more

Experience the Kaiser Permanente difference

At Kaiser Permanente, your doctors, specialists, and health plan all work together to give you personalized care how you want it—by telehealth, at a facility, and more. Learn more about how health care and coverage work together for you.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with our virtual wellness events

Now more than ever, it’s important to take breaks, relax, and reduce stress. Join us for our virtual wellness events to get self-care tips and tricks. It’s open to everyone, you don’t have to be a member to join!

Ready to enroll?

With two options to choose from, you’ll find a plan that’s right for you. With Kaiser Permanente, you get personalized care from top specialists, 24/7 access to care wherever you are, predictable costs, and less paperwork.

  • 1To use the Kaiser Permanente app, you must be a Kaiser Permanente member registered on
  • 2This is a summary of the features of the Kaiser Permanente Northwest FEHB plan. Before making a final decision, please read the Plan’s Federal brochure (RI 73-005). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure.
  • 3Phone and video virtual visits are when appropriate and available. Members must be registered on and have a camera-equipped computer or mobile device. If you travel out of state, phone appointments and video visits may not be available in select states due to licensing laws. Laws differ by state.
  • 4These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB Program, but are made available to all enrollees and family members who become members of Kaiser Permanente.


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