
You are at the heart of everything we do

Since 1945, Kaiser Permanente has been proud to serve Federal employees, annuitants, and their covered family members. Whether you’re exploring new coverage or need assistance understanding your next steps, we’re here to support you.

Support for Members Losing FEHB Coverage

Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping our members who lose their current FEHB coverage. There are many coverage options to ensure you and your loved ones stay covered and can continue seeing your doctors and care teams.

How do I stay covered?

You can consider options like an individual plans, Medicaid and Temporary Continuation of Coverage. You can also call Kaiser Permanente at (800) 514-3496 to learn more about enrollment options.

What happens when my current coverage ends?

You will have a 31-day temporary extension of coverage at no cost. Learn more

Discover which type of plan is best for you

Our Different Plan Options:

  • Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC): TCC is a feature of the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program that allows certain people to temporarily continue their FEHB coverage after regular coverage ends due to separation from Federal service. This allows you to continue your FEHB coverage for a period. Click here for more information Temporary Continuation of Coverage or contact your employing agency.
  • Kaiser Permanente for Individuals and Families (KPIF): A range of health plans to fit your needs and budget. Financial help may be available for those who qualify. You can buy this plan directly through Kaiser Permanente or your state’s Health Benefit Exchange. Click here for more information
  • Spouse or Partner’s Coverage: You may be able to get coverage as a dependent on a spouse or partner’s plan.
  • Medicaid: You may qualify for Medicaid, depending on your income and family size.
  • Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage Plans (KPSA): High-quality health plans with affordable coverage if you’re 65 or older, or if you have certain disabilities. Click here for more information Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Retirement Options: Early retirement (age 55+ with 20 years of service); members can remain on KP FEHB Commercial plans. Remember you get the same benefits you have now as an actively working employee.
    • To keep your medical coverage, you must have five (5) years of continuous enrollment in the FEHB before you retire.

For additional information or for further assistance please call (800) 514-3496.

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