
Top Doctors

Great health starts with a great doctor, and our doctors equal better care

Patrick Pezeshkian, MD

"My philosophy of care is that the best way to take care of a patient is to care about the patient, which is why I joined the Kaiser Permanente family."

— Patrick Pezeshkian, MD

Redwood City Medical Center
Redwood City, CA

Doctor talking to patient

We’ll help find the right doctors for you

Choose from any of our top-notch doctors. You can also change your doctor at any time for any reason. And if needed, your doctors will help connect you to specialists within our system.

Passionate doctors working together for you

Our doctors truly love what they do and work hand in hand with your whole care team. It’s why everyone’s connected on our electronic health record system—to give you personalized care.

Health care that fits your life

Life can be complicated. Your health care doesn’t have to be. Our health system is designed with your convenience in mind. Care where and when you need it. Faster and earlier. That saves money, time, health — and lives.

  • 38 medical facilities close to work and home
  • Doctors, pharmacy, lab, imaging — all under one roof
  • Virtual care options including video, phone, and email.

Empowered doctors

Our doctors work with you, and not an insurance company, to make your care decisions. This lets them focus on the best care and health outcomes for you. Plus, your care teams are always supported by some of the nation’s most sophisticated health technology.

  • 17,000+ board-certified doctors across California
  • Our doctors earn top accolades
  • Team of caregivers
  • Commitment to excellence

Hear what our doctors enjoy most about
Kaiser Permanente

Dr. Tinisha Cheatham

Hear Dr. Cheatham describe how our integrated care model works to give you high-quality care fast.

Dr. Rahul Tevar

Dr. Tevar believes Kaiser Permanente “provides the best care in the world – bar none.” See how integrated care makes that possible.

Dr. Ameya Kulkarni

Find out how Dr. Kulkarni and team offers convenient care for the most complicated conditions.

See what our members have to say about
their care experience

Enjoying life

Member Dave Green had the chance to get back to his love of motorcycling with the help of Kaiser Permanente specialists.

Bringing home baby

A routine post-delivery visit at Kaiser Permanente caught a scary infection and helped save the life of Baby Kai.

Surviving Cancer

Member Monica Martin is now both a passionate musician and cancer survivor because not a moment was wasted with her treatment.

Learn more about our specialty care

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