
Prescription Drug Cost Lookup

For Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) coverage only, choose a Kaiser Permanente FEHB plan option below.

For FEHB coverage with Senior Advantage
(any Kaiser Permanente FEHB plan option)
click here >

How to use Kaiser Permanente’s prescription drug pricing tool

Questions and answers

Save on prescription drugs

Save time and money by ordering prescription refills online or by phone. We can mail most prescription drugs to you within 10 days. You don’t pay for U.S. mail delivery. And when you order refills by mail, you get a 100-day supply and pay only 2 30-day supply plan pharmacy copays.**

  • *The prescription drug coverage described on the MedImpact or Optum websites is a summary of the features of the Kaiser Permanente health plan. Before making a final decision, please read the plan’s Federal brochure (RI 73-003). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure.
  • **For certain drugs, you can get prescription refills mailed to you through our Kaiser Permanente mail-order pharmacy. You should receive them within 10 business days. If not, please call 1-888-218-6245 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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